Sunday 24 August 2008

Bill Callahan - Smog

There is something untouchable about Smog (Bill Callahan), he started out recording his own music on low fi equipment and is known for his dead pan introverted style and lyrics. Here's a video:

Free Downloads of Bill Callahan here of course buy the album as well

Read an interview here

Lyrics to Bathysphere

When I was seven
I asked my mother
To trip me to the bay
And put me on a ship
And lower me down
Lower me out of here

Because when I was seven
I wanted to live in a bathysphere

Between coral
Silent eel
Silver swordfish
I cant really feel or dream down here

And if the water should cut my line
Set me free
And if the water should cut my line
Set me free, I don’t mind
Ill be the lost sailor, my home is the sea

When I was seven
My father said to me
but you cant swim
And I’ve never dreamed of the sea again

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