Thursday 20 May 2010

Julian Casablancas

A lot of people who listen to Julian Casablancas solo album Prazes For the Young probably wish they were perfectionists too. When I read an interview with him and he talked about spending a lot of time getting it right and I read about his reputation of being a perfectionist I was interested to hear how this album sounded. It took me a little while to get into his voice, but his good looks urged me to listen on and his voice grew on me for sure.  His perfectionism resulted in some really good songs and yes he did "get it right".  I particularly like the lyrics in the song Out of the Blue.  The epic River of Brakelights really sets this album off and his voice hits a sort of peak.  At times he breaks out the keyboards and suddenly you are transported to an obscure moment in time during the 70's and at other times he is more country sounding with the help of a banjo. This is one of those artists whose integrity would never really be questioned, he definitely does not come from the world of cheap tricks and clichés rather he uses what skills he has in the appropriate places not denying his pop impulses or the production techniques he has available to him. 

It seems like he's developed a bit since The Strokes, and this is something that he explores through his own sense of conscience with lyrics like, "the ones that I made pay were never the ones who deserved it and the ones who deserved it will never understand it".  The album is filled with gems of wisdom but he still has that rock n roll sensibility with lyrics like "yes I know I'm going to hell in a leather jacket."

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