Sunday 3 January 2010

Listen Lisse - Pow Bang

Listen Lisse have a new album - Pow Bang. Following the first solo album "It's Not You" comes another one called "Pow Bang

How did it happen?

"I started writing some new songs and one thing led to another, I wrote and rewrote lyrics many times until they were right. I quit my job for a few months, seriously annoyed the neighbours, some even moved out. ha ha ha. But this was all for a good cause so I'm not looking back in anger and I hope neither are they. I found some good buds to help me with the mixing and engineering, tackled the album sleeve myself with the help of a kind friend. I had to get a job again to finance the album costs but thankfully a few good friends pre-ordered the album which helped out. So basically what most women would spend on pedicures in a year I saved and spent on a new album. Where did I record it? At home of course but then where else could I really get that intimate quality in the music. The album is now on it's way to airwaves via radio waves, pass it on to your ears convince them to listen intently, have sympathy for the neighbours and know that I enjoyed making it so you will enjoy listening to it."

It's available on CDBaby

at iTunes

Read a review by Devil Has The Best Tuna

Download "On The Road" and other tracks for free

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