Monday 20 October 2008

Stunsets - Electronic stunsetters

When you go and see a band on a Wednesday night and they make you dance you think two things; the first is that it is good that they made you dance and forget about your job and the second is how much better it would have been if it were a Friday night and that they had played for an hour instead of 30 minutes. A band that plays for 30 minutes and leaves you wanting more has passed a certain test by not making songs that just repeat the first song. Stunsets have this ability, first they warm you up in a kind of subtle way and then keep you elevated till the rest of the set. The singer has a strong voice that seems versatile and somehow reassuring, he's not edgy but rather has a essential kind of intensity that any good singer should have.

Their overall stage presence gives you the feeling that they are about pleasing the audience which is a nice antidote to the many bands out there who seem to disappear into a world of their own and ignore the audience.

It's the kind of music that your parents can be comfortable with which is a slight contradiction to the lyrics "your mother won't understand" which suggests that it is music and not just noise...

Hear them here

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