Tuesday 28 October 2008

Blue Bambinos

24th October 2008
You only went out to have a quiet drink but now you've seen the Blue Bambinos and they've shaken you a bit now you're leaning on the bar with another rum n coke. They made a saw sing and the lights went blurry as the things you'd been bottling up all week were given a stir and now there's no stopping you and who knows what is gonna happen next. The singers howling about something and no doubt the dogs outside on the streets are doing the same. They've awoken the spirit of the west country in all its glory and now they are spilling it everywhere and most certainly into the little hole that had been getting bigger inside of you; now it's filled with all the angst and raw emotion that you knew you had and now it needs an object on which to unleash it. You contemplate this at the bar and order another round, you even steal money from your best friend to get another pint and take swigs from whoevers hip flask. The rest of the night is a blur and you never made it home in time to do all the things you had to do by the morning, and you don't really mind...because somehow it doesn't matter anymore.

They've just released an album...see their myspace for details.....
Blue Bambinos myspace

Monday 20 October 2008

Stunsets - Electronic stunsetters

When you go and see a band on a Wednesday night and they make you dance you think two things; the first is that it is good that they made you dance and forget about your job and the second is how much better it would have been if it were a Friday night and that they had played for an hour instead of 30 minutes. A band that plays for 30 minutes and leaves you wanting more has passed a certain test by not making songs that just repeat the first song. Stunsets have this ability, first they warm you up in a kind of subtle way and then keep you elevated till the rest of the set. The singer has a strong voice that seems versatile and somehow reassuring, he's not edgy but rather has a essential kind of intensity that any good singer should have.

Their overall stage presence gives you the feeling that they are about pleasing the audience which is a nice antidote to the many bands out there who seem to disappear into a world of their own and ignore the audience.

It's the kind of music that your parents can be comfortable with which is a slight contradiction to the lyrics "your mother won't understand" which suggests that it is music and not just noise...

Hear them here

Alan McGee on Why I'm Giving up my label

This is an interesting read for all you bands out there waiting for the big "getting signed" might be worth thinking about ever wanting to sign away the rights to your music...

Alan McGee - article in The Independent

Thursday 2 October 2008

Order the 7" now before it sells out

The latest offering from Filthy Little Angels crams an astounding 19 tracks on one slab of seven inch sized black wax. Featuring the talent of label regulars Hyperbubble, Rocket Uppercut and Billy Ruffian alongside the likes of Town Bike, Geese and Listen Lisse, the compilation produces more pop-hooks in 17 and a half minutes than you'll find on most full-length records. The 'Just a Minute' 7" is limited to 300 copies and is released on October 27th 2008.

Order it here